Adding an integration test

In Konflux, you can add integration tests to verify that the individual components of your application integrate correctly, forming a complete and functional application. Konflux runs these integration tests on the container images of components before their release.

  • You have created an application in Konflux.


Complete the following steps in the Konflux console:

  1. Open an existing application and go to the Integration tests tab.

  2. Select Add integration test.

  3. In the Integration test name field, enter a name of your choosing.

  4. In the GitHub URL field, enter the URL of the GitHub repository that contains the test you want to use.

    If you do not already have a custom test that you want to add, we tell you how to create a custom integration test in the next section.
  5. Optional: If you want to use a branch, commit, or version other than the default, specify the branch name, commit SHA, or tag in the Revisions field.

  6. In the Path in repository field, enter the path to the .yaml file that defines the test you want to use.

  7. Optional: To allow the integration tests to fail without impacting the release process of your application, you can choose to select Mark as optional for release.

    By default, all integration test scenarios are mandatory and must pass. A failing integration test marks the application snapshot as failed, preventing its release. However, if you have selected Mark as optional for release, a failure in this test won’t hinder the release of the application snapshot.
  8. Select Add integration test.

  9. To start building a new component, either open a new pull request (PR) that targets the tracked branch of the component in the GitHub repository, or comment '/retest' on an existing PR.


When the new build is finished:

  1. Go to the Integration tests tab and select the highlighted name of your test.

  2. Go to the Pipeline runs tab of that test and select the most recent run.

  3. On the Details page, you can see if the test succeeded for that component. Navigate to the other tabs for more details.

  4. Edit the integration test if it is not properly configured.